#!BPY """Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'OBJ...' Blender: 232 Group: 'Import' Tip: 'Import Wavefront File Format (*.obj)' """ #========================================================================= # Wavefront OBJ Importer/Exporter v1.2 # This is a complete OBJ importer and exporter script # All Rights Reserved # chris@artdreamdesigns.com #Version mise a jour pour Blender 228 par jm soler # #========================================================================= # DESCRIPTION: This script allows for full importing and exporting of # .obj files. uv texture coordinates and normals can be exported and # imported. .obj groups and materials can also be converted to and # from material indexes in Blender. # # INSTALLATION: # You need the FULL python installation to run this script. You can # down load the latest version of PYTHON from http://www.python.org. # # INSTRUCTIONS (You definitely want to read this!): # Once the script is loaded in Blender, hit alt-p. This will bring up # the main interface panel. You will have a choise of exporting or # importing an .obj module. If you are exporting you must have at least # one mesh selected in Blender, or you will get an error. # You can change the export filename by entering the path and filename # in the dialog. If you do not enter a path, the path will default to # your blender directory. You can change the default path in the script <==== NOTE # itself by modifying the variable 'Filename' at the top of the script. # # EXPORTING: # There are 4 different export options: Default, Groups, Material Layers, # and Standard. "Default" will export your mesh using Material Layers if # the mesh has material indexes. "Groups" and "Material Layers" are # logically equivalent, but are a different .obj format. If you are # exporting a Poser morph target, you must select "Material Layers". <===== NOTE # "Standard" will ignore grouping information, even if your mesh has # material indexes. # # There is also a choice between export using "mesh coordinates" or # "object coordinates". "Object coordinates" are any location, rotation, # or scaling values created outside of mesh edit. They belong to the object # rather than the mesh. If you export using mesh coordinates (the default) # the center of the object will always be at 0, 0, 0. Export using "mesh # coordinates is definintely what you want to use if you are working with # a Poser morph target. If you are exporting a group of objects, you will # automatically be placed in "object coordinate" mode. # # IMPORTING: # If your OBJ model has uv mapping coordinates, and you want to use them <===== NOTE # in Blender, you can access them in two ways. The best way is through Blender's # realtime UV coordinates which you enable simply by selecting the UV option in # the material edit window. This gives you an exact version of the uv coordinates. # An older method is to select the "stick" option in the material edit window. I # really don't know why anyone would want to use this option since it cannot handle # seams and texture overlap, but I left it in just in case someone could use it for # something. # # If your OBJ contains groups, once it has been imported, it may still appear # to lack any material indexes. If this happens, it can be remedied <=== NOTE # by going to the mesh editor window, clicking on the mesh selection button, and # reselecting the mesh you have just imported. You will now have as many # materials attached to your object as there are groups. You can then select # different groups by doing a material select when you are in edit mode. # # Finally, you might have problems with certain parts of the object not displaying # after you go in and out of edit mode the first time. To fix this, simply go into # edit mode again, and select the "remove doubles" option. # # # HISTORY: # Nov 13, 2001: Initial Release # Nov 16, 2001: Version 1.1 - no longer need to pre-define dummy materials # Dec 13, 2001: Version 1.2 - now imports into realtime UV (the UV button in the material edit window), and # exports realtime UV. This format is more compatible with the native .OBJ uv format. Should eliminate # texture misalignments and seams. Simply press the UV button in the material edit window after importing. # # GetRaw #================================ # =============================== # Setup our runtime constants # =============================== DEBUG=1 #Set this to "1" to see extra messages MESHVERSION=3 # If the export file doesn't work, FILEVERSION=3 # try changing these to "2" EVENT_PATHCHANGE= 1 EVENT_IMPORT= 2 EVENT_IMPORT_CONT= 3 EVENT_OPTIONS= 4 EVENT_EXPORT= 7 EVENT_EXPORT_CHK= 5 EVENT_EXPORT_CANCEL= 6 EVENT_QUIT= 8 EVENT_EXPORT_ERR= 9 EVENT_TYPE= 10 EVENT_DONE= 11 EVENT_IMPORT_SELECT= 12 # =============================== # Import our libraries # =============================== #import string #import os #import struct try: import nt os=nt os.sep='\\' except: import posix os=posix os.sep='/' def isdir(path): try: st = os.stat(path) return 1 except: return 0 def split(pathname): k0=pathname.split(os.sep) directory=pathname.replace(k0[len(k0)-1],'') Name=k0[len(k0)-1] return directory, Name def join(l0,l1): return l0+os.sep+l1 os.isdir=isdir os.split=split os.join=join import math import Blender #import Blender210 from Blender import * from Blender import NMesh from Blender.Draw import * from Blender.BGL import * from Blender import Material from Blender import Window # =============================== # Input Variables # =============================== Filename = "G:\\tmp\\t\\t\\quip.obj" gFilename=Create(Filename) gAlert = 0 type = 1 exporttype = 1 returncode = 0 operation = "Export" center = [0,0,0] rotation = [0,0,0] Transform = [] multiflag = 0 #================================ # def Fileselect function: #================================ def ImportFunctionselet(filename): global gFilename global ExportOptions global ExportType global type global exporttype global operation global gAlert gFilename.val=filename ImportFunction(filename, type) operation = "Import" #================================ def ExitGUI (): #================================ Exit() #================================ def EventGUI (event): #================================ global gFilename global ExportOptions global ExportType global type global exporttype global operation global gAlert if (event==EVENT_IMPORT): ImportFunction(gFilename.val, type) operation = "Import" if (event==EVENT_IMPORT_SELECT): Window.FileSelector (ImportFunctionselet, 'IMPORT FILE') if (event==EVENT_IMPORT_CONT): gAlert = 0 operation = "Import" Draw () if (event==EVENT_EXPORT): ExportFunction(gFilename.val, type) operation = "Export" if (event==EVENT_EXPORT_CHK): ExportFunctionOK(gFilename.val, type) Draw () if (event==EVENT_EXPORT_CANCEL): gAlert = 0 Draw () if (event==EVENT_OPTIONS): type = ExportOptions.val Draw () if (event==EVENT_TYPE): exporttype = ExportType.val Draw () if (event==EVENT_EXPORT_ERR): gAlert = 0 Draw () if (event==EVENT_DONE): gAlert = 0 Draw () if (event==EVENT_QUIT): ExitGUI() #================================ def DrawGUI(): #================================ global type global exporttype global operation glClearColor (0.6,0.6,0.6,0) glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) global gFilename global gAlert global ExportOptions global ExportType if (gAlert==0): # Add in the copyright notice and title glRasterPos2d(32, 380) Text("Wavefront OBJ Importer/Exporter") glRasterPos2d(32, 350) Text("Copyright (C) Chris Lynch 2001") gFilename=String ("Filename: ",EVENT_PATHCHANGE,32,250,320,32,gFilename.val,255,"Full pathname and filename") Button ("Export",EVENT_EXPORT,32,200,100,32) Button ("Import",EVENT_IMPORT,252,200,100,32) Button ("Select Import",EVENT_IMPORT_SELECT,355,200,100,32) glRasterPos2d(32, 165) Text("Select Export Options:") options = "Export Options %t| Default %x1| Material Layers %x2| Obj Groups %x3| Standard %x4" ExportOptions = Menu (options,EVENT_OPTIONS,200,150,150,32, type) Button ("Done",EVENT_QUIT,142,50,100,32) glRasterPos2d(32, 115) Text("Export using ") options = "Export Type %t| Mesh Coordinates %x1| Object Coordinates %x2" ExportType = Menu (options,EVENT_TYPE,170,100,180,32, exporttype) Button ("Done",EVENT_QUIT,142,50,100,32) elif (gAlert==1): glRasterPos2i (32,250) Text (gFilename.val+ " already exists. Save anyway?") Button ("Save",EVENT_EXPORT_CHK,150,200,50,32) Button ("Cancel",EVENT_EXPORT_CANCEL,250,200,50,32) gAlert = 0 elif (gAlert==2): glRasterPos2i (32,250) Text (gFilename.val+ " cannot be found. Check directory and filename.") Button ("Continue",EVENT_IMPORT_CONT,32,190,70,32) gAlert = 0 elif gAlert == 3: glRasterPos2i (32,250) Text ("No objects selected to export. You must select one or more objects.") Button ("Continue",EVENT_EXPORT_ERR,192,200,70,32) gAlert = 0 elif gAlert == 5: glRasterPos2i (32,250) Text ("Invalid directory path.") Button ("Continue",EVENT_EXPORT_ERR,192,200,70,32) gAlert = 0 else: glRasterPos2i (32,250) Text (str(operation)+ " of " +str(gFilename.val)+ " done.") Button ("Continue",EVENT_DONE,192,200,70,32) #================================ def RegisterGUI (): #================================ Register (DrawGUI,None,EventGUI) #================================ # MAIN SCRIPT #================================ # Opens a file, writes data in it # and closes it up. #================================ RegisterGUI() #================================ def ImportFunction (importName, type): #================================ global gFilename global gAlert try: FILE=open (importName,"r") directory, Name = os.split(gFilename.val) words = Name.split(".") Name = words[0] ObjImport(FILE, Name, gFilename.val) FILE.close() gAlert = 4 Draw () except IOError: gAlert=2 Draw () #================================ def ExportFunction (exportName, type): #================================ global gFilename global gAlert try: FILE=open (exportName,"r") FILE.close() gAlert = 1 Draw () except IOError: directory, Name = os.split(gFilename.val) if os.isdir(directory): ExportFunctionOK(exportName, type) Draw () else: gAlert = 5 Draw () #================================ def ExportFunctionOK (exportName, type): #================================ global gFilename global gAlert global returncode FILE=open (exportName,"w") directory, Name = os.split(gFilename.val) words = Name.split(".") Name = words[0] ObjExport(FILE, Name, type) if returncode > 0: gAlert = 3 else: gAlert = 4 FILE.flush() FILE.close() #========================= def ObjImport(file, Name, filename): #========================= vcount = 0 vncount = 0 vtcount = 0 fcount = 0 gcount = 0 setcount = 0 groupflag = 0 objectflag = 0 mtlflag = 0 baseindex = 0 basevtcount = 0 basevncount = 0 matindex = 0 pointList = [] uvList = [] normalList = [] faceList = [] materialList = [] imagelist = [] uv = [] lines = file.readlines() linenumber = 1 for line in lines: words = line.split() if words and words[0] == "#": pass # ignore comments elif words and words[0] == "v": vcount = vcount + 1 x = float(words[1]) y = float(words[2]) z = float(words[3]) pointList.append([x, y, z]) elif words and words[0] == "vt": vtcount = vtcount + 1 u = float(words[1]) v = float(words[2]) uvList.append([u, v]) elif words and words[0] == "vn": vncount = vncount + 1 i = float(words[1]) j = float(words[2]) k = float(words[3]) normalList.append([i, j, k]) elif words and words[0] == "f": fcount = fcount + 1 vi = [] # vertex indices ti = [] # texture indices ni = [] # normal indices words = words[1:] lcount = len(words) for index in (xrange(lcount)): if words[index].find( "/") == -1: vindex = int(words[index]) if vindex < 0: vindex = baseindex + vindex + 1 vi.append(vindex) else: vtn = words[index].split( "/") vindex = int(vtn[0]) if vindex < 0: vindex = baseindex + vindex + 1 vi.append(vindex) if len(vtn) > 1 and vtn[1]: tindex = int(vtn[1]) if tindex < 0: tindex = basevtcount +tindex + 1 ti.append(tindex) if len(vtn) > 2 and vtn[2]: nindex = int(vtn[2]) if nindex < 0: nindex = basevncount +nindex + 1 ni.append(nindex) faceList.append([vi, ti, ni, matindex]) elif words and words[0] == "o": ObjectName = words[1] objectflag = 1 #print "Name is %s" % ObjectName elif words and words[0] == "g": groupflag = 1 index = len(words) if objectflag == 0: objectflag = 1 if index > 1: ObjectName = words[1].join("_") GroupName = words[1].join("_") else: ObjectName = "Default" GroupName = "Default" #print "Object name is %s" % ObjectName #print "Group name is %s" % GroupName else: if index > 1: GroupName = join(words[1],"_") else: GroupName = "Default" #print "Group name is %s" % GroupName if mtlflag == 0: matindex = AddMeshMaterial(GroupName,materialList, matindex) gcount = gcount + 1 if fcount > 0: baseindex = vcount basevncount = vncount basevtcount = vtcount elif words and words[0] == "mtllib": # try to export materials directory, dummy = os.split(filename) filename = os.join(directory, words[1]) print "try to import : ",filename try: file = open(filename, "r") except: print "no material file %s" % filename else: mtlflag = 0 file = open(filename, "r") line = file.readline() mtlflag = 1 while line: words = line.split() if words and words[0] == "newmtl": name = words[1] line = file.readline() # Ns ? words = line.split() while words[0] not in ["Ka","Kd","Ks","map_Kd"]: line = file.readline() words = line.split() if words[0] == "Ka": Ka = [float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])] line = file.readline() # Kd words = line.split() if words[0] == "Kd": Kd = [float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])] line = file.readline() # Ks words = line.split() if words[0] == "Ks": Ks = [float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])] if words[0] == "map_Kd": Kmap= words[1] img=os.join(directory, Kmap) im=Blender.Image.Load(img) words = line.split() matindex = AddGlobalMaterial(name, matindex) matlist = Material.Get() if len(matlist) > 0: if name!='defaultMat': material = matlist[matindex] material.R = Kd[0] material.G = Kd[1] material.B = Kd[2] try: material.specCol[0] = Ks[0] material.specCol[1] = Ks[1] material.specCol[2] = Ks[2] except: pass try: alpha = 1 - ((Ka[0]+Ka[1]+Ka[2])/3) except: pass try: material.alpha = alpha except: pass try: img=os.join(directory, Kmap) im=Blender.Image.Load(img) imagelist.append(im) t=Blender.Texture.New(Kmap) t.setType('Image') t.setImage(im) material.setTexture(0,t) material.getTextures()[0].texco=16 except: pass else: material = matlist[matindex] material.R = 0.8 material.G = 0.8 material.B = 0.8 material.specCol[0] = 0.5 material.specCol[1] = 0.5 material.specCol[2] = 0.5 img=os.join(directory, Kmap) im=Blender.Image.Load(img) imagelist.append(im) t=Blender.Texture.New(Kmap) t.setType('Image') t.setImage(im) material.setTexture(0,t) material.getTextures()[0].texco=16 else: mtlflag = 0 line = file.readline() file.close() elif words and words[0] == "usemtl": if mtlflag == 1: name = words[1] matindex = AddMeshMaterial(name, materialList, matindex) elif words: print "%s: %s" % (linenumber, words) linenumber = linenumber + 1 file.close() # import in Blender print "import into Blender ..." mesh = NMesh.GetRaw () i = 0 while i < vcount: x, y, z = pointList[i] vert=NMesh.Vert(x, y, z) mesh.verts.append(vert) i=i+1 if vtcount > 0: #mesh.hasFaceUV() = 1 print ("Object has uv coordinates") if len(materialList) > 0: for m in materialList: try: M=Material.Get(m) mesh.materials.append(M) except: pass total = len(faceList) i = 0 for f in faceList: if i%1000 == 0: print ("Progress = "+ str(i)+"/"+ str(total)) i = i + 1 vi, ti, ni, matindex = f face=NMesh.Face() if len(materialList) > 0: face.mat = matindex limit = len(vi) setcount = setcount + len(vi) c = 0 while c < limit: m = vi[c]-1 if vtcount > 0 and len(ti) > c: n = ti[c]-1 if vncount > 0 and len(ni) > c: p = ni[c]-1 if vtcount > 0: try: u, v = uvList[n] except: pass """ # multiply uv coordinates by 2 and add 1. Apparently blender uses uv range of 1 to 3 (not 0 to 1). mesh.verts[m].uvco[0] = (u*2)+1 mesh.verts[m].uvco[1] = (v*2)+1 """ if vncount > 0: if p > len(normalList): print("normal len = " +str(len(normalList))+ " vector len = " +str(len(pointList))) print("p = " +str(p)) x, y, z = normalList[p] mesh.verts[m].no[0] = x mesh.verts[m].no[1] = y mesh.verts[m].no[2] = z c = c+1 if len(vi) < 5: for index in vi: face.v.append (mesh.verts[index-1]) if vtcount > 0: for index in ti: u, v = uvList[index-1] face.uv.append((u,v)) if len(imagelist)>0: face.image=imagelist[0] #print if vcount>0: face.smooth=1 mesh.faces.append(face) print "all other (general) polygons ..." for f in faceList: vi, ti, ni, matindex = f if len(vi) > 4: # export the polygon as edges print ("Odd face, vertices = "+ str(len(vi))) for i in range(len(vi)-2): face = NMesh.Face() if len(materialList) > 0: face.mat = matindex face.v.append(mesh.verts[vi[0]-1]) face.v.append(mesh.verts[vi[i+1]-1]) face.v.append(mesh.verts[vi[i+2]-1]) if vtcount > 0: if len(ti) > i+2: u, v = uvList[ti[0]-1] face.uv.append((u,v)) u, v = uvList[ti[i+1]-1] face.uv.append((u,v)) u, v = uvList[ti[i+2]-1] face.uv.append((u,v)) mesh.faces.append(face) NMesh.PutRaw(mesh, Name,1) print ("Total number of vertices is "+ str(vcount)) print ("Total number of faces is "+ str(len(faceList))) print ("Total number of sets is "+ str(setcount)) print("Finished importing " +str(Name)+ ".obj") #========================================= def AddMeshMaterial(name, materialList, matindex): #========================================= index = 0 found = 0 limit = len(materialList) while index < limit: if materialList[index] == name: matindex = index found = 1 index = limit index = index + 1 if found == 0: materialList.append(name) matindex = len(materialList)-1 return matindex #========================================= def AddGlobalMaterial (name, matindex): #========================================= index = 0 found = 0 matindex = 0 MatList = Material.Get() limit = len(MatList) while index < limit: if MatList[index].name == name: matindex = index found = 1 index = limit index = index + 1 if found == 0: material = Material.New(name) matindex = index return matindex #================================ def ObjExport(FILE, Name, type): #================================ global returncode global vertexcount global uvcount global Transform global multiflag global exporttype vertexcount = 0 uvcount = 0 returncode = 0 print("Writing %s..." % Name) FILE.write("# Wavefront OBJ (1.0) exported by lynx's OBJ import/export script\n\n") Objects = Object.GetSelected() if Objects == []: print("You have not selected an object!") returncode = 4 else: for object in Objects: MtlList = [] if len(Objects) > 1 or exporttype > 1: Transform = CreateMatrix(object, Transform) multiflag = 1 mesh = NMesh.GetRawFromObject(object.name) ObjName = mesh.name has_uvco = mesh.hasVertexUV() FILE.write("# Meshname:\t%s\n" % ObjName) faces = mesh.faces materials = mesh.materials Vertices = mesh.verts GlobalMaterials = Material.Get() if len(materials) > 1 and len(GlobalMaterials) > 0 and type < 4: CreateMtlFile(Name, materials, MtlList) # Total Vertices and faces; comment if not useful FILE.write("# Total number of Faces:\t%s\n" % len(faces)) FILE.write("# Total number of Vertices:\t%s\n" % len(Vertices)) FILE.write("\n") # print first image map for uvcoords to use # to be updated when we get access to other textures if mesh.hasFaceUV(): FILE.write("# UV Texture:\t%s\n\n" % mesh.hasFaceUV()) if len(materials) > 1 and len(GlobalMaterials) > 0 and type < 3: UseLayers(faces, Vertices, MtlList, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName, Name) elif len(materials) > 1 and len(GlobalMaterials) > 0 and type == 3: UseMtl(faces, Vertices, MtlList, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName, Name) else: Standard(faces, Vertices, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName) #================================================ def CreateMtlFile (name, MeshMaterials, MtlList): #================================================ global gFilename # try to export materials directory, mtlname = os.split(gFilename.val) mtlname = name + ".mtl" filename = os.join(directory, mtlname) file = open(filename, "w") file.write("# Materials for %s.\n" % (name + ".obj")) file.write("# Created by Blender.\n") file.write("# These files must be in the same directory for the materials to be read correctly.\n\n") MatList = Material.Get() print str(MeshMaterials) MtlNList=[] for m in MatList: MtlNList.append(m.name) counter = 1 found = 0 for material in MeshMaterials: for mtl in MtlList: if material == mtl: found = 1 MtlList.append(material) if found == 0: file.write("newmtl %s \n" % material.name) index = 0 print material, MatList while index < len(MatList): if material.name == MatList[index].name: mtl = MatList[index] index = len(MatList) found = 1 index = index + 1 if found == 1: alpha = mtl.getAlpha() file.write(" Ka %s %s %s \n" % (round(1-alpha,5), round(1-alpha,5), round(1-alpha,5))) file.write(" Kd %s %s %s \n" % (round(mtl.R,5), round(mtl.G,5), round(mtl.B,5))) file.write(" Ks %s %s %s \n" % (round(mtl.specCol[0],5), round(mtl.specCol[1],5), round(mtl.specCol[2],5))) file.write(" illum 1\n") else: file.write(" Ka %s %s %s \n" % (0, 0, 0)) file.write(" Kd %s %s %s \n" % (1, 1, 1)) file.write(" Ks %s %s %s \n" % (1, 1, 1)) file.write(" illum 1\n") found = 0 file.flush() file.close() #=========================================================== def Standard(faces, Vertices, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName): #=========================================================== global vertexcount global uvcount global multiflag uvPtrs = [] uvList = [] FILE.write("o %s\n\n" % (ObjName)) FILE.write("g %s\n\n" % (ObjName)) for v in Vertices: vert = v.co if multiflag == 1: vert = Alter(vert, Transform) x, y, z = vert FILE.write("v %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) uv_flag = 0 for face in faces: for uv in face.uv: found = 0 index = len(uvList) limit = 0 if len(uvList)-200 > 0: limit = len(uvList)-200 while index > limit and found == 0: uv_value = uvList[index-1] if uv[0] == uv_value[0] and uv[1] == uv_value[1]: uvPtrs.append(index+uvcount) found = 1 index = index - 1 if found == 0: uvList.append(uv) index = len(uvList) uvPtrs.append(index+uvcount) u, v = uv FILE.write("vt %s %s\n" % (u, v)) uv_flag = 1 if has_uvco and uv_flag == 0: for v in Vertices: u, v, z = v.uvco u = (u-1)/2 v = (v-1)/2 FILE.write("vt %s %s\n" % (u, v)) for v in Vertices: x, y, z = v.no FILE.write("vn %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) p = 0 uvindex = 0 total = len(faces) for face in faces: p = p+1 if (p%1000) == 0: print ("Progress = "+ str(p)+ " of "+ str(total) +" faces") FILE.write("f ") for index in range(len(face.v)): v = face.v[index].index + vertexcount if len(face.uv) > 0: FILE.write("%s/%s/%s " % (v+1, uvPtrs[uvindex], v+1)) uvindex = uvindex+1 elif has_uvco: FILE.write("%s/%s/%s " % (v+1, v+1, v+1)) else: FILE.write("%s//%s " % (v+1, v+1)) FILE.write("\n") vertexcount = vertexcount + len(Vertices) uvcount = uvcount + len(uvList) print("Export of " +str(ObjName)+ ".obj finished.\n") #===================================================================== def UseLayers(faces, Vertices, MtlList, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName, Name): #===================================================================== global vertexcount global uvcount global multiflag uvPtrs = [] uvList = [] FILE.write("mtllib %s\n\n" % (Name + ".mtl")) FILE.write("g %s\n\n" % (ObjName)) for v in Vertices: vert = v.co if multiflag == 1: vert = Alter(vert, Transform) x, y, z = vert FILE.write("v %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) uv_flag = 0 for m in range(len(MtlList)): for face in faces: if face.mat == m: for uv in face.uv: found = 0 index = len(uvList) limit = 0 if len(uvList)-200 > 0: limit = len(uvList)-200 while index > limit and found == 0: uv_value = uvList[index-1] if uv[0] == uv_value[0] and uv[1] == uv_value[1]: uvPtrs.append(index+uvcount) found = 1 index = index - 1 if found == 0: uvList.append(uv) index = len(uvList) uvPtrs.append(index+uvcount) u, v = uv FILE.write("vt %s %s\n" % (u, v)) uv_flag = 1 if has_uvco and uv_flag == 0: for v in Vertices: u, v, z = v.uvco u = (u-1)/2 v = (v-1)/2 FILE.write("vt %s %s\n" % (u, v)) for v in Vertices: x, y, z = v.no FILE.write("vn %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) total = len(faces) p = 0 uvindex = 0 for m in range(len(MtlList)): FILE.write("usemtl %s\n" % (MtlList[m].name)) for face in faces: if face.mat == m: p = p+1 if (p%1000) == 0: print ("Progress = "+ str(p)+ " of "+ str(total) +" faces") FILE.write("f ") for index in range(len(face.v)): v = face.v[index].index + vertexcount if len(face.uv) > 0: FILE.write("%s/%s/%s " % (v+1, uvPtrs[uvindex], v+1)) uvindex = uvindex+1 elif has_uvco: FILE.write("%s/%s/%s " % (v+1, v+1, v+1)) else: FILE.write("%s//%s " % (v+1, v+1)) FILE.write("\n") vertexcount = vertexcount + len(Vertices) print("Export of " +str(ObjName)+ ".obj using material layers finished.\n") #================================================================== def UseMtl(faces, Vertices, MtlList, has_uvco, FILE, ObjName, Name): #================================================================== global vertexcount global multiflag FILE.write("mtllib %s\n\n" % (Name + ".mtl")) FILE.write("o %s\n\n" % (ObjName)) index = 0 VertexList = [] for vertex in Vertices: VertexList.append(-1) index = index + 1 print("number of vertices is " +str(len(VertexList))) Totalindex = 0 ix = 0 NewVertexList = [] NewVertexCo = [] for m in range(len(MtlList)): # Group name is the name of the mesh if MtlList[m]: FILE.write("g %s\n" % (MtlList[m].name+str(m+1))) else: FILE.write("g %s\n" % ("Null"+str(m+1))) FILE.write("s off\n\n") FILE.write("usemtl %s\n\n" % (MtlList[m].name)) for face in faces: if face.mat == m: for vertex in face.v: v = vertex.index if VertexList[v] < 0: VertexList[v] = Totalindex NewVertexList.append(v) Totalindex = Totalindex + 1 for v_old in NewVertexList: vert = Vertices[v_old].co if multiflag == 1: vert = Alter(vert, Transform) x, y, z = vert FILE.write("v %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) NewVertexCo.append([x,y,z]) if has_uvco: for v_old in NewVertexList: u, v, z = Vertices[v_old].uvco u = (u-1)/2 v = (v-1)/2 FILE.write("vt %s %s\n" % (u, v)) for v_old in NewVertexList: x, y, z = Vertices[v_old].no FILE.write("vn %s %s %s\n" % (x, y, z)) for face in faces: if face.mat == m: FILE.write("f ") for index in range(len(face.v)): v = face.v[index].index v_new = VertexList[v] if has_uvco: FILE.write("%s/%s/%s " % (v_new+1, v_new+1, v_new+1)) else: FILE.write("%s//%s " % (v_new+1, v_new+1)) FILE.write("\n") FILE.write("\n") NewVertexList = [] print("Group " +str(m+1)+ " of " +str(len(MtlList))+ " finished.") print("Export of " +str(ObjName)+ ".obj using groups finished.\n") #======================================== def CreateMatrix(object, Transform): #======================================== Mx = [] My = [] Mz = [] T1 = [] Transform = [] angle = object.RotX Mx.append([1, 0, 0]) y = math.cos(angle) z = -math.sin(angle) Mx.append([0, y, z]) y = math.sin(angle) z = math.cos(angle) Mx.append([0, y, z]) angle = object.RotY x = math.cos(angle) z = math.sin(angle) My.append([x, 0, z]) My.append([0, 1, 0]) x = -math.sin(angle) z = math.cos(angle) My.append([x, 0, z]) angle = object.RotZ x = math.cos(angle) y = -math.sin(angle) Mz.append([x, y, 0]) x = math.sin(angle) y = math.cos(angle) Mz.append([x, y, 0]) Mz.append([0, 0, 1]) m0 = Mx[0] m1 = Mx[1] m2 = Mx[2] for row in My: x, y, z = row nx = x*m0[0] + y*m1[0] + z*m2[0] ny = x*m0[1] + y*m1[1] + z*m2[1] nz = x*m0[2] + y*m1[2] + z*m2[2] T1.append([nx, ny, nz]) m0 = T1[0] m1 = T1[1] m2 = T1[2] for row in Mz: x, y, z = row nx = x*m0[0] + y*m1[0] + z*m2[0] ny = x*m0[1] + y*m1[1] + z*m2[1] nz = x*m0[2] + y*m1[2] + z*m2[2] Transform.append([nx, ny, nz]) Transform.append([object.SizeX, object.SizeY, object.SizeZ]) Transform.append([object.LocX, object.LocY, object.LocZ]) return Transform #====================================== def Alter(vect, Transform): #====================================== v2 = [] nv = [] x, y, z = vect sx, sy, sz = Transform[3] lx, ly, lz = Transform[4] v2.append(x*sx) v2.append(y*sy) v2.append(z*sz) for index in range(len(vect)): t = Transform[index] nv.append(v2[0]*t[0] + v2[1]*t[1] +v2[2]*t[2]) nv[0] = nv[0]+lx nv[1] = nv[1]+ly nv[2] = nv[2]+lz return nv