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Commodore 64 Emulateur C64

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About CBM64 v2.7 (Mixed ASM/Pascal)
By Paul TOTH 97-98 (fr & us)

-***- WARNING ! New URL & EMAIL !!! -***-

 New in v2.7
  - Fix Extended Color Mode colors
  - Added 38/40 columns mode
  - Added X-Scroll for Text Mode

 New in v2.6
  - Fix a bug in ConfigMem (Now 1 version of Impossible Mission work)
  - Fix a bug in LOAD "$"

 New in v2.5
  - 9 Voice Adlib FM SID emulation (in progress)
  - Better D64 support :
     . added different internal buffers (0..15)
     . support USER1 command (Ultima 5 - with 1 drive !!!)
  - Timing procedure (auto skip frame)

 New in v2.4 :
  - Better D64 support :
    . you can CREATE a D64 file using : OPEN 15,8,15,"NEW:DISKNAME,ID"
    . to rename a file                : OPEN 15,8,15,"RENAME:NEWNAME=OLDNAME" 
    . to delete a file                : OPEN 15,8,15,"SCRATCH:FILENAME"
    (you can use "N:" for "NEW:", "R:" for "RENAME:" ...)
    (this is standard on 1541, not a CBM64 specific syntax...)
    (the NEW command create DISKNAME.D64 in the current directory)
  - some change on my bad SID emulation ...
  - found a bug on Memory Configuration (POKE 1,xxx) not fixed yet...(Impossible Mission)
  - found a bug on YScroll (?)  (Indiana Jones 3)

 Hardware :

  - 386+   (use 386 registers) 486+ for speed
  - Adlib+ (for SID FM version)
  - SB2.0+ (for SID Emulation - use a 8bits ring DMA tranfert,
	    it is supposed to hang on a 8bits SB card - not tested)
  - VGA+   (use Tweak mode 360x240x256 colors)

 Support :

  + 1541 Commands	(only NEW,RENAME,SCRATCH,USER1)
  + create D64		(OPEN 15,8,15,"NEW:DISKNAME,ID" <- DISKNAME.D64)
  - 6510       100% ?	(tested with the Test suite 2.15)
  - TextMode   1,2,3,4  (all modes)
  - GraphMode  1,2	(all modes - fixed "black" mode  )
  - MixedModes          (VIC IRQ)
  - Sprites             (all modes)
  - Joystick   1,2	(no more together - see below)
  - READ/WRITE D64      (WRITE bug sometime...disk full hang the emulator)
  - CIA        1,2
  - SID        80%	(Adlib FM)
  - X,YScroll    ?	(well I think)
  - D64,P00 & PRG
  - Real Time CPU       (use a ms timer with auto frame skiper)

 Unsupport :

  - D64 Commands     (COPY, B-R, B-W ...)
  - 1541 CPU
  - Page boundary    (not well)
  - Sprite Collision (bad for a lot of games)

 Fixed bugs :
  - Size of last sector on D64 !
  - Add "black" mode support (for COMMANDO)
  - F11 reset (should work now !)
  - F12 exit  (inside Keyboard interrupt)
  - ConfigMem (execute code at Dxxx)
  - LOAD "$"
  - MOV AX,[BX] hang my computer when BX=FFFFh !!!
  - VIC II emulation

 About Performance :

  ~100% on a 486DX2/66 in Full DOS with 3 Skiped Frames
  ~100% on a P-MMX-200 under Win95 with 0 Skiped Frames

 Keyboard :

  CBM64FR.EXE - French AZERTY version
  CBM64US.EXE - US QWERTY version

  note that CBM64 remap the real PC keyboard (A is A, 1 is 1...)
  (PC64 emulate a real C64 keyboard)

  Esc      : STOP/RESTORE (NMI)
  Tab      : RUN/STOP
  CapsLock : Shift+C= (Charset switch, Shift+LeftAlt work also)
  LeftAlt  : C= (commodore key)
  RightAlt : (used with French AZERTY keyboard)
  <- / Del : DEL
  Ins      : Shift DEL
  Curseur  : Curseur
  Home     : Home
  ShiftHome: Clear
  F1..F8   : F1..F8

  F9	   : Select/Change Disk (Load a P00,PRG)
  F10      : Some Info on current Video Mode (VBlank) & Registers
  F11	   : Reset the emulator (black screen sometime ? -> F12)
  F12      : Exit

  NumLock  : On=Cursor keys; Off=Current Joystick with Cursor keys
  RightCtrl: Fire (for current joystick)
  PageUp   : Select Joystick #1 (default)
  PaheDown : Select Joystick #2

 Games that work (not a complet test !) :

  CONAN 	     (1)
  DIEHARD	     (1)
  DRAGON'S LAIR      (1)
  EUREKA             (the first game running on CBM64 !)
  GARFIELD	     (1)
  PIRATES!	     (1)
  ULTIMA 5           (width 1 drive only)
  WIZARDRY	     (2)

  (1)- wan't run on v2.01 cause of "last sector size" bug !
  (2)- Version 2.7 width X Scroll

 Games that work badly :

  ANTIRIAD        (no sprite collision)
  AZTEC CHALLENGE (no sprite collision)
  DONKEY KONG     (random function return 0 ... ???)
  IMPOSSIBLE MIS. (try a patched .P00 version - hang if "HI" not found on drive)
  INDIANA JONES   (X/Y scroll)
  MASQUARDE	  (not a PICTURE DISK ... 1541 emulation ?...)

 Games that won't work :

  ARCHON	  (battle freeze the game ???)

 READY ? And now !

  Do you remember your C64 ? well you are on the BASIC prompt (READY).
  To load a pgm type :


  Not that the tape is not emulated and the KERNEL is patched to define
  device 8 as default (so you don't need to type ",8")

  when you load a program a popup windows let you choose the .D64 File
  you want to use (use F9 to change disk later)

  In this popup windows, use arrow up / down / left (cd..) / right (cd dirname),
  Enter to select and Esc to cancel.

  To see what's on a disk just type

   LOAD "$",8

  To load the first pgm of a disk

   LOAD "*",8

  Sometime you need to load the pgm at a specific location (specified when the
  pgm was saved), you have then to type

   LOAD "PGM NAME",8,1